Reupholstering Antique Slipper Chair

I was commissioned by a family friend to upholster an antique slipper chair last summer. This filled me with excitement and dread at the same time as I had only traditionally upholstered one piece of furniture up until then, but I do enjoy a challenge! The chair had belonged to customer's Grandmother and had been in the family for over 100 years. There were a few repairs to complete on the chair which became apparent after stripping back. One of these being to a small round moulding that was missing on the top curve of the chair. My lovely neighbour Toni, who makes lots of extraordinary wonderful things using wood, managed to create an exact copy, what a star! Once all the repairs were complete I started the renovation by attaching webbing, ensuring it was extremely taut. This was followed by attaching 12oz hessian, held in place with tacks. Loose bridle ties were then created with a backstitch around the edge of the seat and in corridors across it, using a curved needle and upholstery twine. Coir fibre was stuffed under the bridle ties, working from the centre outwards. This part of the process can be very time consuming as you need the fibre to be as teased as possible. At this point, probably because I was enjoying the experience, I stopped taking as many photos. Although somehow continued taking photos of the very bored puppy waiting for me to throw a ball in the garden! I attached scrim and did a blind stitch and top stitch all the way around the edge. I attached more bridle ties and the second stuffing of mixed animal hair. This was followed by calico which stitched to the scrim. Working from the top downwards, I attached the top fabric and began buttoning. Double piping was then attached all the way around the edge.  The back fabric was attached using tacks. And that is it all finished, with one very happy customer! I feel like I learnt so much upholstering this chair and hope to improve on the skills I picked up during this process.

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